Protocols for Students’ Resumption on Sunday, 7th January 2024.

Students and Parents are to kindly note the following as protocols for students’ resumption after Christmas break on Sunday, 7th January 2024.


  1. All parents and students entering the University on resumption day are expected to come through the main gate along Idiroko road.
  2. All vehicles entering the University are mandated to undergo security checks.
  3. Clearance for admission into the halls of residence will be issued on college basis as follows:
    1. COLENG – Marquee
    2. COLNAS – ELT
    3. COLENVS – Lecture Theatre 1
    4. COLFAST – Adenuga Building (Ground Floor)
    5. COLMANS – Lecture Theatre 11


  1. All students are expected to resume on Sunday, 7th January 2024.
  2. Students are expected to arrive between the hours of 8:00am. and 8:00pm.
  3. All students are expected to have paid a minimum 50% of their school fees.
  4. Bursary Unit will have a desk at each venue to confirm payment.
  5. Students are to present hardcopy of evidence of payment at the Bursary clearance point-
  6. All Students are expected to dress decently; indecent dressing will not be tolerated.
  7. All female students should have their hair at mid back length and of their natural hair colour (odd colours or tinted colours are not allowed).
  8. All male students are to cut their hair neatly and low, beards are to be clean shaved.
  9. Staff will be available to receive students from 8:00am on Sunday, 7″ January 2024.


  1. Wardens and other hall officials will coordinate all normal halls of residence admission procedures which include:
    1. Collection of evidence of school fees payment;
    2. Registration/ documentation;
    3. Collection of keys by the occupants;
    4. Clearance at the reception in the halls of residence before being allowed in.

Please note that mid-semester test will start from Monday, 8th to Friday, 12th January 2024.

You are all welcome and I wish you a successful New Year.

Thank you.


Lamidi S. Tafa (Mr.)

Registrar and secretary to Council