The College of Environmental Sciences hereby invites all researchers in both Academic and Industries to the First International Conference.
The Conference is strategically multi-disciplinary in nature and is intended to assemble experts within and outside Africa to discuss major innovations and technological issues that are germane to the African build environment.
Call for Papers:
This first International Conference is aimed at improving an excellent opportunity for researchers and academics in order to expose their works to international scrutiny, receive feedbacks and recommendations from peers and professional colleagues from difference parts of the world; hence affording them the opportunity to gain from the vast experience and expertise of leaders in the field of research and also to open up the scope for new research collaborations among international, national community of participants and various invited delegates.
Only original and previously unpublished work on a range of topics related to the conference sub-themes listed below will be accepted. The conference welcomes paper submissions from researchers, practitioners, academia and students and will cover myriad tracks in the field of science, engineering, as well as interdisciplinary research and applications, following strictly the laid down guidelines.
Conference Sub-Themes:
Resilience and Sustainability in African Nations Building; Sustainable Physical Infrastructure in African Cities' Economies; Building Construction Materials; Environmental Engineering Dynamics; Project Financing / Construction Management; Sea Waterfront Housing Development / Land Reclamation Impact; Construction Application of Industry 4.0; Green Environment / Circular Economy; Cost Management and the Use of Smart Technology; Wastes to Wealth Innovation; Property Development and Management; Housing and Urban Market Dynamics; COVID-19 and the Built Environment; Subsidence Dynamic Positioning and the Environment; Legal Issues in Contract Project; Smart City and GIS Application; Land Use Regulations / Development Control Mechanism; Water System (Retool & Repurpose) Impact of Climate Change on Tropical Africa Innovation in Architectural and Urban Design Urban Heat Island and Impact on Cities' Economies Land Uses, Governance and Conflicts Resolution
KEYNOTE ADDRESS SPEAKER: Professor Adeleke Oduwaye Ph.D, FMTP, MNIA, University of Lagos, Nigeria
LEAD PAPER PRESENTER: Professor Olubola Babalola PhD. FMQS, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic – OAU, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
HOST: Professor Akunnaya Pearl Opoko PhD., FNIA,Dean, College of Environmental Sciences
CHIEF HOST: Professor Jeremiah Oludele Ojediran R.E(COREN), MNSE, Vice-Chancellor, Bells University of Technology, Ota

Conference Poster

Abstract Length: 250 words maximum
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 30th, 2022
Notification on Abstract: December 15th, 2022
Full Paper Submission Deadline: February 15th, 2023
Full Paper Notification: February 30th, 2023
All correspondence should be directed to:
Foreign Participants: $100
Local Participation: N25,000.00
Students: N10,000.00
NB: All Payments should be made to College of Enviornmental Sciences Details as shown below:
Bank Name: Wema Bank Plc Account Number: 0124142619 Account Name: College of Environmental SciencesPAYMENT GUIDE
Payment made in any form should be clearly state and indicate the Bank details below: Bank Name: Wema Bank Plc Account Number: 0124142619 Account Name: College of Environmental Sciences
Evidence of Transfer or payment should be scanned and forwarded to contacts below: +2348036001704 (WhatsApp)
Certificate of participation will be awarded to all participants
Dr. Funsho Simon – Chairman, LOC
Call: +23408036001704
Dr. Joseph Oyewale Oyedeji
Call: +2348138451880