The Bells University of Technology Journal of Management Sciences (BUTJMS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal which publishes highly readable articles in the various business disciplines and other facets of management. It is published bi-annually (April and October).
BUTJMS provides a focus for worldwide expertise in the areas of research relating to Economics, Accounting, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Project Management, Transport Management, Marketing, Business Administration, and Entrepreneurship Management.
Bells University of Technology Journal of Management Sciences (BUTJMS)
Click link in red below to access content
Volume 1, No. 2 – December, 2021

Author Guidelines for Paper Submission
Authors are highly encouraged to read the following guidelines:
- The journal accepts only original submissions written in English on the understanding that the work has not been published and is being considered for publication elsewhere.
- The original research article should include:
- Title
- Author’s name(s) and affiliations
- Abstract, Keywords (4-6 words)
- Introduction
- Literature Review
- Methodology
- Results and Discussion
- conclusion and Recommendations
- Reference
- Please submit an original editable file in MS-WORD format. All figures, images, tables, appendices, reference etc. should be embedded into the original file.
- The entire manuscript should not exceed 15 pages long.
- Authors accept the terms of Honour Code of Plagiarism Statement for paper submission, and that the paper is an original research contribution with the references properly cited in the manuscript using American Psychological Association (APA)
referencing style. - Manuscripts should be typewritten in Times New Roman, font size 12, double spaced with margins of 2.5cm on each side.
- The manuscript should be submitted electronically in a single MS-WORD file attachment to,, - Each submission of an article attracts a non-refundable assessment and review fee of ₦5,000.
- Manuscripts that passed the assessment and review process may be sent back to authors for correction. Final accepted manuscripts for publication in BUTJMS are subject to payment of ₦25,000 publication fees.
Both payments should be made into the account number stated below:
Account name: College of Management Sciences Journal
Account no.: 0123210830 – Wema Bank
Submission Deadline:
- In the text, reference should be cited by the author name(s) followed by the date of publication; all in parenthesis, for example (Nnoli & Oraka, 2020) or work by more than two authors (Nnoli et al, 2020).
- In the list of reference put oldest first.
- At the end of the article, references should be listed (unnumbered), order alphabetically by author name.
- Do not use et al. during reference listing, rather give a full list of authors.
- If more than one reference has identical date and authorship, use a, b,…z after the date to distinguish, for example (Bello, 2018a).
The table should be created on separated pages and numbered with roman numerals according to their sequence in the text.
- Column headings should be short and self-explanatory.
- A brief title should be given above each table and any footnote(s) below.
- All tables, illustrations photographs etc., should be integrated into the submitted manuscript, and in a ready-to-publish style
The following sequence of the headings should be used:
- Capital at the margin, italics at the margin indented, italics in the line.
- The furthered subdivision is needed below the level of the four headings, use (1), (2), etc., and (a), (b), etc
All illustration should be submitted in a form suitable for reproduction.
- Lettering and symbols should be clearly defined either in the caption or in a legend provided as part of the figure.
- Figures should be restricted to single-column width unless this would make them illegible.
- Lettering should be professional.
- Photographs should be glossy prints. The author’s name and figure number should be indicated at the back of each illustration.

Editorial Board
Prof. (Mrs) R. Dauda
(Department of Economics; University of Lagos.)
Prof. A. O. Ipefoa
(Department of Finance; Covenant University)
Prof L.O. Kuye
(Department of Business Administration; University of Lagos.)
Prof. Saibu
(Department of Economics; University of Lagos)
Prof. T.O. Asaolu
(Department of Management and Accounting; OAU)
Prof. S. Fajana
(Department of Employment Relations & Human Resource Management; UNILAG.)
Prof. O.O. Oluyombo
(Department of Accounting and Finance; Pan African University.)
Prof. O. Adigun
(Department of Business Administration; Kings University, Osun State)
Editor-in-Chief: Dr (Mrs) B.O. Njogo
Managing Editor: Dr B.A. Bello
Business Manager: Dr L.A. Imeokparia