Bells University Journal of Applied Sciences and Environment (BUJASE) is an open access journal that aims at promoting the theory and practice of natural and applied sciences, environmental sciences, technology and innovation.
It publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, reviews and short communication in the mentioned areas. BUJASE publishes two (2) issues in a year, both print and online editions.
The journal welcomes articles with topics in the broad areas of: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Physics, Mathematical Sciences, Biotechnology, Food Science and Nutrition, Environmental Sciences, and other related fields.
Bells University Journal of Applied Sciences and Environment (BUJASE)
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Volume 1, No. 1
Author Guidelines for Paper Submission
English language is the accepted language for submission of manuscripts to BUJASE. The manuscript in MS Word format must be typewritten in Times New Roman (12 point font size) and double-spaced on A4 leaving 1” wide margin on all sides, not exceeding 12 pages. Latin names should be in italics, and S.I. units should be used for measurements or quantifications.
Title page
This contains brief title which reflects the content of the paper. The Surnames followed by initials of the authors are also stated, including institution addresses. The e-mails and phone numbers of the corresponding author should be provided.
An abstract of not more than 250 words should be provided. It should include the purpose of the study, procedure or method, findings and conclusion. This is followed by up to five (5) keywords.
This section gives the background of the study, including properly referenced earlier works, justification and purpose of the present study.
Materials and Methods
This describes a detailed experimental procedure to allow for reproducibility. Only new techniques and equipment are described; standard or established procedures or equipment should just be stated.
Results and discussion
Results and discussion may be combined in a section. Tables or Figures may be used in presentation of results. However, the same data should not be presented as Table and Figure. The discussion should present the significance and implications of the results, inferences, relating the results to previous works rightly cited.
This section gives a brief conclusion drawn from the study, relating it to the achievement of the aims and objectives of the study (and recommendations, if any).
Here, all grants and financial supports should be briefly acknowledged.
Citations in the text should follow ‘Surname and Year’ format. E.g. Adetutu (2010); Oni and Ola (2016); Iranlowo (2017) reported that … All references cited must be listed at the reference section:
Journals: The surnames of all authors followed by initials, year of publication, title of work, journal name, volume, issue, and pages should be given. E.g. Oni, J.O. and Ola, K.B. (2016). Extraction of Essential oils from Trigolina plant. Oriental Journal of Applied Sciences 24 (2): 15-39.
Books must mention the authors, publisher, place, year of publication, edition, names of editors and page numbers.
Authors take the responsibility for the accuracy of the references.
Conflicts of interest
If any, authors must declare conflicts of interest.
Publication charges
Upon acceptance, authors are to pay a publication charge of N20,000 and a processing fee of N5000. Totalling to N25,000.00
Articles accepted for publication in BUJASE must not be reproduced in any form without prior permission. After acceptance, the Authors will be required to fill Copyright Transfer Agreement form to transfer to BUJASE all copyrights.
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts are to be submitted via e-mail to and a copy to
Review process
Manuscripts are first checked to ensure they conform to BUJASE format. At this stage, plagiarism check is also carried out. Articles will be rejected if plagiarism is detected. Articles will also be peer-reviewed by two independent reviewers.