Bells University of Technology launched the Maiden Edition of her World Changers Summit, with the theme ‘Bells Ideal Graduate (BIG)’. The main objective of the Summit was to inspire, enlighten, empower and ignite the graduating students to be change makers and positive influencers to their generation. The Summit, designed to be an annual event, is aimed at equipping Bellstech graduates with sustainable integrity in a changing world so they can break barriers, bridge gaps and become brand ambassadors of the University and the Society at large.
The two-day event was hosted at the College of Management Sciences (COLMANS) Hall D from Wednesday 28th to Thursday 29th July, 2021.
The sessions were facilitated by eminent personalities to include the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Jeremiah Ojediran, RE (COREN) MNSE, the Registrar, Mr. Lamidi Tafa, the University Librarian, Dr. Felicia Yusuf, Dean, Postgraduate School, Prof. Violette Atasie and Chairman Corporate Affairs Unit, Prof. Isaac O. Fayomi. The facilitators poured out their heart and life experiences into the eager, prospective graduates who listened keenly while taking copious notes.
The Speakers for the first day were the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar, the University Librarian and the Chairman, Corporate Affairs Unit.
The first presentation titled ‘You, NYSC and Beyond’ was delivered by the Registrar. In his presentation, he x-rayed leadership styles and the different types of leaders. Furthermore, he stated that NYSC was a training ground for the youths to chart a path for their future. He concluded by advising the students to aspire to excel where others have failed and strive to be problem solvers.
The Vice-Chancellor made the second presentation titled ‘Thinking Differently’. He noted that thinking differently is a discipline. According to him, ‘all that we are today is a result of all that we thought of yesterday. The way we think determines how we feel and how we feel dictates how we act. Essentially, our character is a product of our thoughts’.
He mentioned some book titles that changed his life and strongly recommended same to the graduates, while also encouraging them to leverage on the content of the books to maximize their potentials. He further established that thinking differently leads to success and that most great men were ordinary men that thought differently.
He opined that thinking differently could be learnt through the following ways:
- questioning everything you know and you don’t know;
- being passionately curious;
- seeing the bigger picture; and
- being focused on your thinking.
He concluded by advising the soon-to-be released graduates to think outside the box so they could solve the mirage of problems bedeviling our society.
The third Speaker, the University Librarian, in her presentation titled ‘Be the Solution Provider’ started by telling the young minds that it has been established that only 5% of people think, 20% think they are thinking and 75% would rather die than think.
She emphasized that you cannot be the solution provider without embracing change. In her submission, she noted that change must begin with each individual and that those who were averse to change would wake up to a world that no longer exists.
Dr. Yusuf challenged the audience to be the solution provider the world has long been waiting for. In order to be able to achieve this, she encouraged them to discover themselves, own their identity, develop a daring mind, take hard decisions and be strategic in their approach
She concluded by charging the graduating students on the need to possess an insatiable quest for new knowledge buttressing her assertion with this quote; ‘until you have learned one new thing per day, you are not qualified to sleep’.
The Last Speaker for the day was Chairman, Corporate Affairs Unit whose presentation was titled, ‘You and the Corporate World’.
He asserted that “Education is the Bedrock to Evolution. It doesn’t make people prosper; it simply creates a pathway to prosperity”. He noted that beyond the walls of the school are the walls of the society. He associated failure among graduates in the corporate world with dearth of ideas and lackadaisical attitude towards opportunities, among others. However, in order to succeed as graduates in the ever dynamic corporate world, Prof. Fayomi submitted that the graduates need to:
- be creative and have an innovative mind;
- create what they need and what the society lacks;
- think deep, think smart and be problem solvers;
- be resilient, passionate and disciplined in their pursuit of excellence;
- stay humble, hungry for change and focused;
- strive to always get better results; and
- be committed to lifelong learning.
He concluded by advising the graduating class to be passionate, fierce, unstoppable and limitless.
Day 2 of the Programme had two facilitators; Dean, Postgraduate School, Prof. V.N Atasie and Chairman, Corporate Affairs Unit, Prof. O.S.I Fayomi.
The session was kick started by the Dean, Postgraduate School, with her presentation titled ‘You are our Brand Ambassadors.’ She defined the terms Brand and Ambassador. It was explained that Brand represents the distinctive markers name or trademark used to identify a product or groups of product while Ambassador is a diplomat of the highest rank permanently appointed by the government, head of state, sovereignty to act on behalf of or be their official representative in some foreign country or state.
She stated that the students were the University’s ambassadors being sent out as high-ranking diplomatic representatives of the institution to interface between the University and the Society at large. She advised the students to establish a cordial relationship between them and the University so that there would be a free flow of information.
She concluded by stating that there may be challenges ahead, but they shouldn’t give up.
The second presentation titled, ‘Be the Influence’ was made by the Chairman, Corporate Affairs Unit. He affirmed that influence is not about occupying a seat, it is about breaking records and setting new standards; it is not about wearing a title, but rather, it is about accomplishing tasks and objectives.
The Summit was a platform for the graduating class of 2021 to further prepare for the tasks and challenges associated with leadership. The experiences garnered from the facilitators at the Summit have been documented as compendium of wisdom for reference purposes in decision making by aspiring leaders. The sessions were insightful with the seasoned facilitators who held back nothing of benefit in educating the graduating class about the world outside the walls of the ivory tower.