As part of the University’s programme to accomplish its mission to apply the knowledge of science and engineering for human wellbeing and development of society, Central Teaching and Research Laboratory (CTRL) was established on 4th June, 2008. The laboratory operationally heads by a Director as appointed by the Vice Chancellor. The Laboratories were established mainly for teaching and research purposes and thus accredited in November 2008 by visiting accreditation team from National University Commission (NUC). Over the years, Central Teaching and Research Laboratories coordinate the research efforts of the University and ensure that research programs and activities are focused directional and result oriented. CTRL equips the students and every visiting researcher with knowledge on instrumentation/handling of modern analytical equipment and instrument. Additionally, CTRL performs the duty of analytical laboratory assistance to numerous companies, organization and external researchers.
The objectives of CTRL are to:
- Coordinate the research efforts of the University and ensuring that research programmes and activities are focused, directional and result oriented with clear prospects of utilitarian value
- Serve both students and staff of the University in pursuit of academic and research excellence
- Equip the students with knowledge of instrumentation (principles, operation/handling and basic maintenance)
- Partner in mutual beneficial relationship with industries and relevant sectors of the economy in term of scientific research findings can aid technological advancement of the country
- Provide commercial laboratory services for manufacturing industries, government establishments and individual researcher and teaching institutions
- Provide consultancy services for industries in relevant areas it needs to foster economic growth in the country
At the Central Teaching and Research Laboratory, we value total quality management of laboratory procedural operations toward reliable and reproducible analytical results
Central Teaching and Research Laboratories partner in a mutual beneficial relationship with industries for routine laboratory services. In this case, the industries use CTRL for their periodic laboratory analyses and consultancy purposes.
Similarly, CTRL provides various sectors of the economy with scientific research findings that can aid technological advancement of the country. It also provides commercial laboratory services for manufacturing industries, government establishments and individual researchers.
Common Analytical Services Rendered by the Laboratory
We carry out analyses of a range of samples e.g. feed stuff, food products, cosmetics products, pharmaceutical products, water, environmental wastes, liquid wastes, solid wastes, dairy products, detergents, petrochemical, beers, agrochemicals e .t .c. Some of the analyses/services include:
- Elemental mineral analysis
- Heavy metals
- Proximate analysis
- Microbiological analysis
- Functional properties
- Rheological properties e .t c
- Sample validation
- Microbiological air test in industries
- Processing equipment validation
- Calibration of equipment
CENFED — Centre for Foundation Education was set up to cater for the humanities in a University of Technology such as Bells. It is common practice worldwide that certain core courses in the humanities ought to be taught across the disciplines in the university to ensure balanced learning. So CENFED is one of the pioneer departments in Bells starting from 2005 when the University itself was constituted.
CENFED Vision and Mission:
- To Teach General Studies Courses (GES) which are all designated as either Compulsory or Required, to students in all the Colleges of the Institution
- To organize short-term courses for the staff of the institution from time to time, in addition to initiating seminars, Conferences and workshops, as occasions demand.
- To set examination questions for the appointment of new staff and for annual admin staff promotion.
- Also to artistic and cultural life of the Institution by organising Cultural Displays and Convocation plays, to grace the Institutions Graduation Ceremonies.
Convocation Plays
The purpose of convocation plays as are organized by CENFED is to provide adequate and befitting entertainment, with an intellectual bent during university’s convocation. This will provide standard and top notch convocation for the university. The first step towards maintaining the enviable Standard of Convocation plays is to keep the CENFED performing Troupe up to date
- Bellstech Performing Troupe: This group under CENFED was officially established in 2009 with fanfare-with the official recognition of an award of certificates to the foundation staff and student members. Since then, the enthusiasm has been very high in the way members of the Troupe participate in all the seven Convocation plays staged so far.
Notable achievements of CENFED from 2009 to DATE
The Centre for Foundation Education has recorded the following achievements from 2009 to date:
- The staging of SEVEN very successful Convocation plays: The Gods Are Not to Blame (2009); The Trials of Okonkwo(2010); Moremi Ajasoro (2011);Jewels of the Shrine (2012); Passage to Homeland (2013); This is our chance (2014); castle in the Air (2015).
- A crowd – pulling award night for Nollywood stars which too place in 2014. The following were awarded medals of recognition: Alex Usifo; Lere Paimo; Omoni Oboli; Beautiful Nubia; Baba Gebu; Joke Silver, etc
- Successful execution of a short-term French programme for the staff of the university in 2013.
- Teaching of GES courses to students in all colleges of the institution without any hitch.
- Coordinating the senate – approved proposed in-service training programme for administrative staff of the institution (2016).
- Conducting written examinations for admin staff annual promotion and new staff appointment.
Core Courses taught by CENFED STAFF
The course emphasizes basic communicative skills for students who are expected to perform a variety of academic and social tasks through the medium of English. Adopting an integrative approach where theory and practice are merged in language teaching, it focuses on speaking and listening as primary and natural skills that constitute an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information. The grammatical aspect of language, as a structure phenomenon involving morpheme, word, phrase, clause and sentence, parts of speech, tenses, concord, speeches and question tags, it is also integral part of this course.
This course aims at giving the students a better understanding of the concepts culture and globalization, and how they relate. Culture and world view; globalization, communication the global village and social and technological developments.
The study of the Nigerian people and Culture starting from the Pre-colonial, colonial and contemporary times. Nigerian culture and characteristics. Nigerian perception of the world. Concept of trade and self-reliance, individual and social justice. National development as opposed to individual development. Norms, values, social class and structure. Cultural variations. Moral obligation of citizens. Culture and world view.
The course emphasizes aspects of English language and communicative skills ranging from study skills, through writing skills, comprehension and summary, register studies in English, to aspects of discourse analysis and mechanics of writing. Copious examples and illustrations which are indispensable to better understanding of intricacies of communicative English as an interaction medium are equally given much attention.
The course is to develop in the students the life-long value of independent study and intellectual integrity; to be conversant with the various information skills and how to use information positively. It exposes the students to library resources and tools, the library and society, use of library and library skills, E-learning resources and tools as well as information sources in science and technology/management sciences.
The course introduces students to a serious study of works of literature in English, paying particular attention to form, structure and style. The various genres of literature and their intrinsic characteristics and literary terms and equally emphasized here. The importance of the course, considering the facts that students would always be expected to read information from sundry and utilize such information appropriately is also overriding issue of focus here.
The course is designed to take stock of a general introduction to the nature and complexity of conflicts and how they can be resolved. Students are expected to be brief on the absolute need to study such a course. The course will focus on the various types of conflicts; their causes and consequences; various levels of conflicts; startegiess and tools (including traditional methods) of conflict resolution.
History and philosophy of science, in attempting to understand the nature of science and its consequences on human intellect, studies the activities of scientists and the nature and character of scientific theories. It looks at the structure of the practice and products of this peculiar human activity. The domain examined is science and scientists as they now are, once were, and sometimes, as they might me. History and philosophy of science is concerned with methods that scientists use in discovery, and to elaborate and confirm theories.
Also, the philosophy if science is concerned with the effects of science on the activities and interest of non-scientists and non-scientific institution and practices that are part of society-past and present. Students are exposed to the issues arising in all of science and how philosophy as a discipline views these issues in terms of its understanding of reality.
The course aims at equipping the students with basic oral and written communication skills in French Language. At the end of the course, the students would be able to identify the common difference between French and English, introduce themselves and talk about themselves and their family, make inquiries about places, ask simple questions and give directive in French, count and talk about dates, time and their daily activities in French. They would also be able to write a simple letter and fill a bio data form in French.
Nature of politics; society and social organization. The state. The Problem of Law; Constitution and Constitutionalism; Political Ideology. The Classical Heritage, Plato, Aristotle, Stoleism and Pax. Romanica: Revolt, Towards the Mass man. Organs of Government (National Government Institutions); Public Administration; Political Parties and Pressure Groups; Public opinion and Propaganda; Elections; International Order.
This course introduces students to the nature, scope and problem of philosophy. It does this by looking at the various definitional problems of philosophy, analysing arguments pointing out their nature and make, pointing out how philosophy shapes life in the area of medicine, morality, politics and other aspects of life and looking generally at the history of though across the epochs of intellectual history. The course equips students with the capability to make simple moral arguments and think critically and also point our fallacies in their own areas of study. The course also makes it possible for students to develop a healthy attitude towards the intellect making them capable of forming ideas that can affect society positively.
The course, a continuation of GES 204, aims at reinforcing student communication skills in oral and written French. While maintaining a high degree of oral activity, attention will be focuses on developing students writing and reading skills.
At the end of the course, students should be able to make inquiries and engage in simple conversation at a company, travel agency, hotel, bank, supermarket etc. They should also be able to read and understand French instructions commonly used in public places, fill identification forms, write a Curriculum Vita, simple official letters and instruction in French.
ICT Resource Center
The University ICT Resource Centre was established in 2008/2009 Academic Session in line with the guidelines stated in the University Academic Brief. The aim is to have an independent ICT Centre that provides ICT services to people in the external communities such as educational institutions, government and private agencies with the ultimate objective of revenue generation for the University. The Centre, currently operates at the BUPF building. The Centre is headed by a Director with the following responsibilities:
– Organizing training programmes on computer appreciation and usage for students and different categories of staff.
– Initiates the development of appropriate software towards improved computerization of key University activities.
– Provides technical support for University Management Information System unit.
– Designs, implements and maintains computer networks work-stations, telecommunications and computer communication services in the global information exchange and research.
– Provides and maintains the University internet access as the global information highway; meanwhile students and staff are expected to utilize the facility for the information exchange and research.
– Develops and maintains the University website and thus takes care of the need for information dissemination.
– Provides consistency services to other educational institutions, government and private agencies as well as commercial and individual organizations.
– Provides procurement and maintenance services for ICT resources in various units in the University.
SDRC is the outcome of a series of discussions between some progressive Nigerian Industry icons and Senior Academicians of Bells University of Technology, Ota who came together to develop a model for joint working between the University and the Industry, for training people to fill gaps in the technical manpower sector in Nigeria. The proposal for establishing SDRC was approved by the Governing Council of Bells University of Technology in September 2014.
By adopting this training model the partners seek as much as possible, to ‘position the Classroom out there in the Industry’. The role of the industry partners includes provision of access to the relevant training machines and equipments required to compliment the classroom instructions. Bells University of Technology would approve the curriculum for each training programme and issue the internationally recognized Certificates and Professional Diplomas in a variety of relevant technical areas.
The Board of SDRC includes representatives of the Industry who as stakeholders, have vested interests in its activities and training programmes.
The SDRC situation is an example of how the academia should work with the industry to deliver quality service tailored to national needs.
To become the model industrial research centre for identifying those technical skills that will match the skills for the business strategies of the future especially in Nigeria, well into the 21st century.
To become the model industrial training centre for the skills identified above
To develop the ideal model of complimentary working between the University and the Industry leveraging their combined facilities and resources in order to meet the man-power requirements of the Nation.
To re-engineer the academic curriculum of engineering and technology and the delivery of teaching in Nigerian Universities such that the graduates will be more of employers who can create jobs than employees with little or no prospect..
To generate awareness of the opportunities for work and for research in the Marinespace, Aerospace, Oil & Gas industries in Nigeria.
Every SDRC training programme is developed and implemented by a combined team of seasoned Professionals and senior Academicians in the particular field.
SDRC Certificates and Professional Diplomas are approved by the Senate of Bells University of Technology and endorsed by the relevant international professional bodies.
SDRC skills development programmes cover many sectors of industry, at every level.
SDRC training programmes are workplace-relevant and developed with industry experts; our qualifications make people more employable.
What is offered here at SDRC can feed the Empowerment Programmes initiated by Government Skills Acquisition Agencies
Bells University of Technology, Ota, the first private University of Technology in Nigeria was granted operational license in July 2005 and commenced operation a month later. BellsTech’s Vision is to be a world-renowned University that is committed to the transformation of Society through environment-friendly technologies and other innovations, while its Mission is to discover, disseminate and apply the knowledge of science and engineering for human well-being and the development of the Society.
An unrivalled range of internationally recognized and industry-specific training and certification that equip people with skills that match the business strategies of tomorrow.
Broad Aim:
Produce personnel that are equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical skills required
for productive agricultural and entrepreneurial capacity.
Primary objectives are:
i. Organise regular short term courses in Agriculture and Entrepreneurship
ii. Engage in farming activities for demonstration, research and commercials at Obasanjo farm, Ota
iii. Facilitate on-field trainings for students in Obasanjo farms, IITA and with other relevant
iv. Involve in related research and collaborations
v. Attract grants from financial and agricultural institutions to support the vision of
– Business Model Generation
– Start-up Financing and Management
– Accounting and Finance Basics for Start-up
– Understanding the Product-Market Fit
– Business Marketing, Strategy and
– Farm Record and Management
– Waste to Wealth
– Feasibility Report Writing
– Agribusiness Studies and Promotion
– Crops Production Technology
– Cassava and Mushroom
– Disinfectants, Soaps, Sanitizer & Cosmetic
– Livestock Production Technology
– Poultry, Fisheries and Snailery
– Food Science and Agro-Processing
– Agriculture and Natural Resources
– Farm Engineering Services
– Aquacultural Production Technologies
– Animal Health Technology
– Organic Agricultural Production
– Sustainable Wildlife and Ecotourism
– Other Target or Tailor made short term
courses and Vocational Skills
Agronomy/Plant Science, Fisheries & Animal Science, Mushroom Culture, Food Technology,
Agro-Forestry/Wildlife & Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Biotechnology, Entrepreneurship,
Agro-Meteorology, Agricultural Economics, Renewable Energy and Waste Recycling.
Food Processing Laboratory & Central Teaching and Research Laboratory, Bellstech
Tempo Food and Packaging Limited, Ota
Obasanjo Group of Farms Nigeria- Ota, Owiwi, Abeokuta, Igboora, Lanlate, e.t.c
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan
Rome Business School, Nigeria (& Italy)
Worldfish (CGIAR), Nigeria
* CATES also intends to work with financial organisations for sponsorship of youths to the
programmes of the Centre and facilitate funding or seed money for start-ups.
For more information, contact the Ag. Director, Centre for Agricultural Technology and
Entrepreneurial Studies (CATES), Bells University of Technology Ota, Ogun State on
+234(0)8035645470 and cates@bellsuniversity.edu.ng (www.bellsuniversity.edu.ng)
MOTTO: Wealth Creation and Self-Sustainability

Urbanization as an irreversible process of social change has produced cities as concentrated centers of population and economic activities whose impact pose immense challenges to the occupants of these cities and rural hinterland.
While many no longer doubt the existence of climate change problems as manifested in the various climatic catastrophes of massive floods, destabilizing droughts, uncomfortable heat waves and their consequent effects on the economies of various regions of the world, national governments and city managers still treat climate change problems with levity. Yet, building resilience and adapting to climate change should be of high priority for cities and the large rural hinterland.
For the developing nations like Nigeria, the low priority focus and levity with which climate change issues are treated are part cause and part consequence of poor understanding resulting from underfunded research and application of climate change knowledge to everyday life of Nigerians.
It is, therefore, essential that the vitality of the knowledge enterprise addressing the climate change issues is generated, enhanced and maintained through human and institutional capacity-building. Such measures are necessary for designing policy responses and implementation approaches at the national level and local scale.
This is the rationale for the establishment of the Center for Climate Change (CCC) Studies at the Bells University of Technology, Ota, Ogun State of Nigeria.
The Vision of the Center is:
“To be the leading national and international innovative educational and research institution/center in climate change studies and allied field”
The Mission of the Center is:
“To empower nations, states, communities and individuals to make long-term, lasting changes required to build climate literacy and develop local climate change advocates through a model of research uptake, collaboration, participation and partnership”
The Functions of the Center are:
- Knowledge Brokerage (Knowledge brokerage builds relationships with and between producers and users of knowledge by providing linkages; synthesizing and translating knowledge. This often lead to the co-production of knowledge between different groups and sources of knowledge. For example, the proposed Centre is designed to combine traditional climate knowledge with climate science and meteorological information to improve the relevance and use of forecasting).
- Applied Research (Applied research is original research undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge but which is directed primarily towards a specific practical aim or objective. The Centre will play a key role in identifying these practical aims with research partners and countries such that they meet the medium and long term needs of Nigerian communities).
- Capacity Building Through Training and Learning (Specific capacity building activities will be developed in the following areas: Climate change science; Impact assessment and adaptation planning; Adaptation; Mitigation; and Access to finance. These functions will have practical and local relevance through research into and partnerships in: Food Security and Livelihoods; Population, Health and Well Being; Disaster Risk and Ecosystem and Human Settlement and Security).
The ultimate goal of the Center and its output is to positively affect the lives of common people in the Ota Region and Ogun State in particular and Nigeria in general.