Resumption Protocol for all Students after the Christmas and New Year break [2025]

This is to inform all our students that the resumption date after the Christmas and New Year break has been fixed for Sunday 5th January 2025. Please note that mid-semester tests will hold from Monday, 6th January to Friday, 10th January 2025. All students must take part in the tests.

You are also requested to note the following resumption protocol and prepare accordingly:


  1. Parents and students entering the University on resumption day are expected to come through the main gate along Idiroko road.
  2. All vehicles are to go through a mandatory security check at the University gate.
  3. Clearance for admission into the halls of residence will be issued on College basis as follows:
    • COLENG – Marquee
    • COLENVS and COLFAST – Lecture Theatre 1


  1. All students are expected to arrive between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm.
  2. All students are encouraged to pay a minimum of 50% of their fees on resumption.
  3. The Bursary Department will have a desk at each venue to confirm payments.
  4. All students are enjoined to come along with copies of evidence of payment.
  5. All students are expected to dress decently. Indecent dressing will not be tolerated.
  6. All female students should have their hair not longer than mid-back length and of their natural hair colour (odd colours or tinted colours are not allowed). Tattoos, multiple piercings, nose rings and ankle chains are not allowed.
  7. All male students are to cut their hair neatly and low; beards are to be clean shaved. Tattoos, ear rings, necklace, hand chains/beads/bracelets and braiding of hair are not allowed.
  8. All students are requested to come along with a copy of the result of the mandatory drug screening test conducted in the University Health Centre. Students who did not present themselves for the drug test, will be made to appear before the Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC)

Happy Holidays!