A great academic cum professional feat has been recorded by the Accounting Department of the College of Management Sciences, Bells University of Technology as students made the University proud with excellent performances at the recently concluded ICAN examinations.
The University had earlier approved the training of students who showed interest in sitting for the ICAN- ATS examination, which kicked off last December.
This excellent performances in ICAN examinations result again proves that, Bells University of Technology as a citadel of learning, has what it takes; great lecturers, a serene and conducive learning environment as well as necessary infrastructure that aids students’ success .
Commendably, the 15 students who sat for the Accounting Technicians Skill Examination (ATS) recorded 89% success rate at the exams.
These 15 students were rigorously trained by the College of Management Sciences (COLMANS) in preparation for the exams.
A total of 10 Students trained by BellsTech professionals sat for ATS 1 taking 4 courses with a 99% success rate. For ATS 2, a total of 3 candidates sat for the exams writing four papers and they were 100% successful. For ATS 3, two students sat for the 4 course examination and passed.
This goes on to give credence to the fact that Bells University of Technology students are always outstanding at both internal and external examinations.
In his congratulatory message to the College and the successful students, the Vice-Chancellor commended the eaprtment and College for the initiative to train students for professional qualifications which is bearing enviable fruits. He gave kudos to the students and their lecturers for the commitment focus towards excellence. He affirmed that, ‘the University Management will continue to give our maximum support to such efforts and prays this achievement will be continuous.’
Of a truth, only the best is good for Bells.