The Guidance and Counselling Unit, Bells University of Technology, Ota, held its 5th Annual Counselling Program from Monday 6 – Wednesday 8 May, 2024. The theme for this year was, ’Adopting Counselling as a means of promoting quality Education, good health and gender equality’. The theme sought to examine and apply the 3, 4, and 5 goals from the 17 SDG goals.

This year’s event was tagged ‘Secondary School Edition’ as there is a need to relate to students in secondary schools within the University’s immediate environment. Five secondary schools were randomly selected from the public (2) the private (3).

Talks and live coaching lectures were given to the students to emphasize the importance of Skills acquisition to educational pursuits for the learning to be wholesome. These skills were shown and taught to the many students at their schools and demonstrations of skills so acquired displayed. Skills such as Throw-pillow making, Candle Wax Molding and bead making among other skills.

The schools visited were brought together in a grand finale to interact and display their diverse talents. It was a fulfilling experience as the young students listened to mentorship from seasoned professionals, debated among them and participated in live interactions.